Apple iOS 15.4 beta 1: Apple has released the Beta 1 of its new Apple iOS 15.4 for registered developers. And there are some pretty interesting new features that this update will bring to your Apple iPhone. Well, the whole idea of software update is to enhance security and bring new features. Well, there are allot of new features coming with the iOS 15.4.

The iOS 15.4 beta 1 is only available for registered developers for now. But, in coming weeks it should be available for public testers as well. However, what are the new features that this update will bring to you iPhone? Let’s find out.

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Apple iOS 15.4 beta 1

The Apple iOS 15.4 is the fourth update from Apple for the iOS 15 OS that was released back in 2021. This new update promises some really interesting features such as new emojis, new wallet widget and more.

Since Apple has announced it won’t be rolling out security update for the Apple iOS 14, now is the time for you to upgrade to iOS 15 and catch up when iOS 15.4 is finally rolled out for use. So, what’s new in the iOS 15.4?

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1. Use Face ID with Mask

This is a brand new feature that allows you to use Face ID while wearing a mask. This means you can register your Face ID without wearing a mask and unlock your phone while wearing a mask. Users no longer need an Apple watch to unlock their iPhones while wearing a mask.

According to the short description on the iOS 15.4 beta 1, while wearing a mask, the Face ID App will scan through the region of your eyes and be able to authenticate and unlock your iPhone. Note that for this to work accurately, you have to be staring at your phone.

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2. New Emojis

Apple has added 37 new emojis in the iOS 15.4. Now, when releasing update, Apple usually keep new emojis till later. But in the first beta, the company has released 37 which leaves the question, could there be more emojis down the line. You can see all the 37 new emojis in the picture below.

iOS 15.4 beta 1 new emojis

3. New Wallet Widget

There is now Wallet widget that shows your current card balance, available credit, and a chart showing how much you’ve spent over the week. You can press and hold down the widget to edit it. You can change the spending period from weekly to monthly or yearly.

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4. EU users to Add Covid-19 Vaccine Certificate

Users living in European countries will now be able to Add their Covid-19 vaccine certificate in the Wallet App. We wrote about this update in details and you might want to read this article for all the complete details.

Known Issues in iOS 15.4 beta 1

There are couple of known issues with the Apple iOS 15.4 beta 1 that is expected to be resolved over time. This is why only developers are allowed to install this for now. Apple has release Key Notes to point out known issues. You might want to read that Key Note to find out all the issues.

The size of the first beta of the iOS 15.4 is about 5GB. Its quite a big file and we expect to see the second beta of the software by next week. This is just the first beta which means more features might still be added for developers and uses. Also, most of the known issues will still be resolved.

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