How to Block Spam Messages on iPhone: If you follow the step-by-step guide on this post, it will help you to prevent getting pings from spammers. Those spam messages can be a threat to your security and that’s because some of them have links that when mistakenly clicked by you could reveal some confidential info.

So one of the best ways to deal with those messages from spammers is to take action by blocking them on your iPhone. But how do you go about that? Below is the step-by-step guide.

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How to Block Spam Messages on iPhone

Step 1: Go to Settings

Step 2: Enter Messages

Step 3: Scroll down you will see Filter Unknown Senders, toggle it On

Step 4: Now go to Messages, on the top left you will see Filter. Select Known Senders to only see Messages from your saved contacts. With these simple steps, all Messages from unsaved contacts or spammers will automatically be blocked. 

Remember that messages from unsaved contacts will also be blocked (including bank messages). So we recommend you come back here once in a while to check what’s going on. But if you know you may likely forget, we recommend you choose to view All Messages at once too, only that this view will also include all the spam messages.

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See it doesn’t matter if you are using the latest iPhone or one of the best Android phones in the world, Spam messages are annoying and with the simple steps above you can deal with it on iPhones.

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