The newly released iPhone SE 2 or iPhone SE 2020 comes with lots of talking points. Why some persons are disappointed by some of its features others are quite impressed with what Apple have done considering the selling price of the phone. Well, we have had time to go through the features of this new Apple phone and there are some key notes you should know.

It is important you understand that the Apple iPhone SE 2 is a mid-range phone from Apple. In its most complete sense, it is the iPhone 8 rebranded. Well, most of you might have already know that. It comes with same display size, type and camera as the iPhone 8. But, there are somethings you might be missing about this new phone.

You can watch This Video about the similarities and differences between the iPhone SE 2 and iPhone 8.

You see, the new iPhone SE 2 also manages to come with same camera sensor as those found in the Apple iPhone 11. Again, it also comes with same SOC as those found in the Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max “Apple A13 Bionic (7 nm+)”. With recent CPU Cores and powerful GPU.

So, it might comes with same display size and maybe look like the iPhone 8 but when it comes to processing power, camera and graphics, it is generations ahead of the iPhone 8.

Android phones in same category might have better design and look more beautiful on the outside, but they are no match for this new Apple phone in terms of performance. Its very difficult to see a mid-range Android phone using an SOC built on (7 nm+). These SOCs are for flagship phones.

In summary, the new Apple iPhone SE 2 is a combination of past Apple phones. A little from the iPhone 8, some things from the iPhone 11, some things from the iPhone XR and it comes with arguably the fastest SOC in the world right now.

The phone is selling for about $400, N144,000 Naira which most people think is okay. Well, not every-time we see a mid range phone that comes with flagship SOC at such a price. This new Apple phone might just force the hands of Android phone manufacturers to drop the price of the mid-range phones.

Tell us what you think about this new phone from Apple below. Is it a hit or a miss?

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