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No Mass Disconnection of SIM Cards- NCC Assures Nigerians

If you have read news online stating that NCC plans on disconnecting the SIM of most Nigerians, well they government body has come to clear the air. In recent days, some blogs have published content that there will be mass disconnection of SIM cards. How did they come to this conclusion?

Well, these articles are based on an unfounded rumor that NCC wants each person to maintain one SIM card. So, these news outlets and blogs just assumed that if you have more than one SIM card, your other lines will be disconnected. Actually from the new press release from NCC, reverse is the case.

See Also: New NCC Policy Allows Nigerians To Replace SIM Card Using NIN

According to NCC, there one person in Nigeria have more than one SIM card. In fact, according to the statistics on their site, one Nigerian has an average of 7 SIM cards. Thus, if there are “43 million Nigerians with NIN, this could account for about 172 million SIMs already linked to NINs”.

Also, with the advent of social media and App-driven digital environment, network subscription went beyond human subscribers to include machines like PoS, Routers, Wi-Fi devices, electricity meters, CCTV, tracking devices etc.

See Also: Fraud Alert: Nigerians Should Avoid Confirming their SIM Record Status Online

Thus, if there are “43 million Nigerians with NINs, this could account for about 172 million SIMs already linked to NINs“.


So what is NCC and the federal government of Nigeria trying to accomplish? It’s actually simple. They want to know how many SIM card each Nigerian has and know who owns them. This way, they can easily know the actual number of Nigerians.

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If you are still looking for reasons why you should link your NIN to your SIM card record. We have some important few reasons for you.

Importance of linking your NIN to your SIM Card Record

  1. To avoid the disconnection of your SIM card from network (obvious reason).
  2. To help enhance the general safety of Nigerians
  3. It will help government in making better government budgeting
  4. Better policy planning by government
  5. Help in planning social intervention programs

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So in conclusion, NCC and the federal government is not interested is disconnecting your line. Even if you have 10 SIM cards, you can link all to your NIN. It’s not like only one of your SIM card will be left working. All 10 SIM cards will be working so long it’s linked to your NIN.

Once you link your NIN to all your SIM cards, in the eyes of NCC and federal government, all 10 SIM cards are one. It’s the main goal of this exercise. So debunk any news regarding mass disconnection of SIM cards.

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