The ultimate question for every affiliate marketer is how to turn potential customers into actual customers. Or how to make sales when selling their products online. So, we are sharing this passive income strategy that will help you make sales on Clickbank even while you are asleep.
Let’s say you have decided to become an affiliate marketer using Clickbank, you have chosen your product, and you also know that you will make 75% commission for each successful sale of the product. Meaning that you will make $75 each time someone buys the product (this is assuming the product costs $100).
Must Read: 8 Rules To Becoming A Successful Affiliate Marketer
How can you make sales on Clickbank even while you are not actively working? Can you create a system that can make people buy your affiliate product even while you are asleep or away and not actively promoting the product?
In this short, simple and easy to understand article we’ll show you the secrets of how to make sales as an affiliate marketer on Clickbank. Just focus properly and ensure to read this article to the very end.
This article, will explain in details with example three things you should start doing. Now, note that no one of the three things are less important. And this article is written with the assumption that you are already an affiliate marketer using Clickbank.
See Also: 5 Must Have Free Affiliate Marketing Tools
The goal is to help you make more sales on Clickbank and you sure will after reading this article. But, if you are new to Affiliate Marketing and ClickBank, then click the picture below to watch the free webinar that will help you get started for free.
Click Banner Below to Watch Free Affiliate Marketing Webinar
How to Make Sales on Clickbank as an Affiliate Marketer
STEP 1: Get The Affiliate link for the Product
Getting the affiliate link for the product you wish to promote is the first step to making money on Clickbank. All you need to do is log into your Clickbank account, go to market place section and pick a product of your choice.
See Also: Sleep Sales Technology: The Perfect Affiliate Marketing Program
Whichever product you choose to promote, ensure to get resources from their affiliate page. These resources gives you the idea about the right age range for your product. The resource page also shows whether the product is more suitable for MEN or for WOMEN.
It also gives you an idea of how much you could make from back end sales and up sells. Back end sales and up sells are offered to your customers by your vendor (the owner of the product you are promoting). This makes you earn more from the affiliate product aside from just the initial sale.

Example: imagine you are promoting a $100 product and you are to earn $75 for each sale. After your initial sale of the $100 product to a buyer, the vendor might offer the buyer another $150 product (back end sale) and a $400 up sell.
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For these back-end sales and up sells you will still earn commissions. Assuming you earn 50% commission for the back end sale and the up-sell. This means you will earn another $75 for the back end sale and another $200 for the up sell.
You could make a total of $75 + $75 + $200 = $350 in total
Although only few buyers (20% – 30%) will not go for the up sell. You are making more money without putting in any extra work because your vendor does the up sell for you.
STEP 2: Identify your Target Market
Ask yourself what kind of people are most likely to buy the product; women or men, Young people or older people, women whom have had children or without children etc.
This will help you target the right people through your adverts and content creation. Your affiliate resource also gives you an idea of the best people to target in your adverts.
See screenshots below.
Above is a description of the ideal customer for this product. From the pictures above, you can see that they are giving you the exact kind of people to target. The age range, average income, interests, even the kind of countries to target etc.
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This helps you with your advertising or content creation (if you own a website). You are able to ensure your ads or contents reach people that are most likely to buy your product.
STEP 3: Create a Sales Funnel
A sales funnel is a sequence customers go through in before they pay for your product. A sales funnel helps you convert more customers to buyers and helps you continue to sell other products to them.

Your sales funnel should have four things
- Lead magnet
- Lead generator
- Auto responder sequence
- Sale
Lead magnet
The lead magnet is what attracts people to your offer, it could be a FREE video, FREE ebook, a FREE report etc. It should just be something they will find useful.
Example, if you are promoting a weight loss product, offer people a free ebook showing a list of 10 foods that will prevent them to losing weight effectively.
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Lead generation
After offering the free product (ebook, video etc), make them understand they will need to provide their email to get it. This way you will capture their email address. The email address of your potential customer is the most valuable asset you can get from them. You will understand why in a minute.
Auto responder sequence
An auto responder sequence is a series of messages you will be sending automatically to people who have provided their emails in your sales funnel.
Example, Emily signs up on your page and wants to get the report you are offering her for free. Once she provides her email, the auto responder sequence starts to send her emails based on the timing you have set up.
You could set it up to send her emails every day, every 3 days or even every few hours. Whichever way you want, you set up your auto responder. One of the best Auto responder on Clickbank is Sleep Sales Technology (SST). Click the banner below to know more about SST and how it can help you send emails on your behalf.
Click Banner below to get Started With SST Auto Responder
With your auto responder set up, you can hereby send her emails promoting your affiliate products. She might not be ready to buy the product instantly but she eventually will.
Now, if you have a sequence of 10 mails set up to be sent everyday for 10 days, she might decide to buy the affiliate product on the 5th day, 2nd day, 9th day or any day she wants. Whichever day she chooses to buy, you earn a sale and you get your commission.
It’s important that you understand that these mails are sent to her even in your absence as far as you have set it up. This means that while you are asleep, a mail you have set up can be sent to Emily promoting your affiliate product. Emily clicks to buy and you get a commission while you are tucked in bed and asleep.
Auto responders are important because humans are creatures of indecision and will most likely not buy your product the first time they see it but on several exposure to the product. With properly crafted mails reminding the customer about the importance, you eventually get the customer to buy. This is why sales funnels are very important.
Making Sales on Clickbank
Making sales on Clickbank can be easy if you follow the right steps but reverse can also be the case. So, with the three steps above, you can easily start making good sales as an Affiliate Marketer on Clickbank.
In the scenario above, when Emily orders the product and pays, you have made a sale on Clickbank. Clickbank then pays you your commission.
Imagine you have so many people getting into your lead magnet and providing their emails. The more emails you get the more leads (emails) you generate, the more auto responder emails you send, the more money you make.
Hereby once you set up your sales funnel and auto responder, you can start to earn passive income. This is exactly how people earn legit passive income on the internet.
CLICK HERE to learn how to earn huge commissions on Clickbank using SALES FUNNELS. We also have a webinar that will help you get started with Affiliate Marketing and learn how to make sales on Clickbank. You can click the banner link found in this article to know more for free.