HMD has launched three new Nokia phones with 4G connectivity. These include the Nokia 5710 XpressAudio, Nokia 2660 Flip, and Nokia 8210 4G. These 4G miniature phones from Nokia are expected to be available in the UK in late July/August. 

Nokia 5710 XpressAudio Price, Specs, and Availability

The most interesting of the bunch is the Nokia 5710 XpressAudio. It features built-in wireless earbuds. The phone was constructed in such a way that when it slides up, there is a space to keep the earbud and charges them. The bud can be used for calls, on FM Radio, or to listen to music. Also, it can be connected to any other smartphone.

Nokia 5710 XpressAudio

Nokia 5710 XpressAudio price in UK starts at £75. And the storage option is up to 32GB through microSD. Other of its specs include a 2.4-inch QVGA color screen, a VGA back camera, and a detachable 1,450 mAh battery that gives up to 6 hours of 4G talk time and charges via micro USB.

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Nokia 8210 Price, Specs, and Availability

The Nokia 8210 4G is the refreshed version of the 1999 model. It maintained the old look but inside saw some significant changes. There’s a 2.8 QVGA color display, LTE connectivity, and support for up to 32GB of storage through a microSD card.

Nokia 8210 4G

Nokia 8210 4G price in UK starts at £65 and it will be available in Sand Blue and Red Color. The battery is detachable and it has a 1,450 mAh capacity with extras such as FM Radio receiver that works with both wired and wireless earbuds, a built-in MP3 player and the classic Snake game.

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Nokia 2660 Flip Price, Specs and Availability

HMD concluded the announcement with the release of the Nokia 2660 Flip. It has a dual-screen with the primary one measuring 2.8 QVGA, a secondary 1.77-inch panel, a VGA camera, and a 1,450mAh battery rated at up to 20 days on standby.

The Nokia 2660 Flip price in UK will start at £65 and it comes in Black, Blue and Red colors. The Nokia 2660 flip has tactile buttons and Hearing Aid Compatibility (HAC) which makes it a better option for elderly persons. Which of this modern OG phone is your favorite?

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