Qualcomm is set to take the extended reality headsets industry to another level by announcing the Snapdragon XR2+ Gen 2 chipset. The XR2+ Gen 2 chipset will power forthcoming extended reality headsets like AR, MR, and VR devices.
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Snapdragon XR2 Plus Gen 2 Specs
According to Qualcomm, the Snapdragon XR2 Plus Gen 2 has a 15% better GPU and 20% higher CPU than the regular Snapdragon XR2. The latest XR2+ Gen 2 allows dynamic foveated rendering, space warp, and game super-resolution even in 4K graphics.
Furthermore, to improve spatial interactions, including head, controller, facial expression, depth estimation, and 3D reconstruction, the Snapdragon XR2+ Gen 2 can support 12 or more cameras concurrently.
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Finally, the chipset supports 12 ms full-color video see-through, and headsets with the XR2+ Gen 2 would work on all wireless protocols, including Wi-Fi 6, 6E, and 7. So it’s just a matter of time before we see Apple Vision Pro competition.