Few days ago we posted an update regarding banks, NIMC and Telecom company in Nigeria warning Nigerians about giving out their NIN details. Well, today we have some fresh updates for you regarding SIM Reedocr status fraud going on online.
It seems fraudsters are taking it to another level and we are here to fill you in. From our previous update, if you get a text or a phone call asking for your NIN don’t give it to them.
See Also: Telecom, NIMC and Banks Warn Nigerians To Beware of NIN Frauds
But it seem there is even a new way these fraudsters are out to operate. They just opened a website known as SIMCHECKER and its aim is to collect your phone numbers.
Sadly, this website is been shared by other Nigerians who really don’t know what is happening to them. They are comprising their SIM card and making it vulnerable for attack.
Once you visit the site, the site will request for you to select your network provider and enter your phone number. When you enter your phone number it runs as if it’s processing your request. Well that is a lie.
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After this, the page will prompt you to share them in WhatsApp. This is for you to help them get more people to visit the site. See pictures below.
What actually happens is that, your phone number is saved once you enter your phone number. They can then send you various text messages or even call you. Worst is they can even perform some bank operations using your phone number.
See Also: New NCC Policy Allows Nigerians To Replace SIM Card Using NIN
We messaged MTN customer care Twitter to ask how we can check if an NIN is linked to your phone number. Their response was that they’ll send a confirmation SMS. And we expect other telecom company will do same. See picture below

So until you receive an SMS from MTN, Airtel, Glo or 9Mobile confirming your NIN is linked to your SIM card record, don’t check it anywhere else online.
For your own safety and the safety’s of others around you, avoid using any online medium to check your NIN status. We’ll bring you new update if the situation changes.
You should share this post on WhatsApp, Facebook and other social media outlets to warn your family and friends. Don’t let then fall victim for this new NIN fraud.
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