It’s not very often you live in the UK and gets a notification update to have installed a Russian Apps in your Samsung Phone. To be fair, you’ll be surprise and concern. This is exactly what happened to Andrew Edmans when he bought his second-hand Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2 phone from the Amazon market. And British users are dragging Samsung over this issue.

Samsung has come out to say that it was a technical error notification and apologized for it. But as it involves Russia, some British users are still pushing to find out more. Here is what actually happened.

According to a report from BBC, a UK man by the name Andrew Edmans bought a second-hand Galaxy Z Fold 2 phone from the Amazon some three weeks ago. Few days after the purchase, he received a firmware update reminder.

After installing the firmware update, the words in the update content have links to Russia. The words on the update content reads in part “As part of the implementation of the requirements of Decree No. 1867 of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 18, 2020, the download of mandatory applications has been added. Some of these apps will only be installed if the device is restored to factory settings”

Samsung firmware update
Samsung firmware update

Edmans then contacted Samsung to report this and the company promised to respond within 48 hours. But after waiting for four days without reply, he called Samsung again. A technician then accessed his mobile phone remotely and said he had never seen it before. The issue was taken to Samsung headquarters and they assured Edmans that it was just a “notification error”.

Samsung Claims the Words Are Technical Error

According to the report by BBC, Samsung said this was just a simple mistake and nothing more. The company claimed it’s a technical error that resulted in words of the information.

Samsung told the BBC: “We can confirm that due to a technical error, the wording of the information is incorrect and a limited number of UK customers will receive it. The upgrade received is unique to the UK, and no third-party apps from Russia have been installed on the device, or have the opportunity to enter the device itself. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused.”

Back in April, Russia has passed a law demanding that computers, smartphones, and smart TVs sold in the country must have Russian alternative software installed. Reason because, Russia software companies want to promote their software. So, Samsung has been adding these Russian Apps to its smartphones in Russia via firmware updates.

But somehow, the Russian notification after installation finds its way to the UK. To be fair, these are mistakes commonly made by smartphone companies very often. However, some British users are dragging Samsung and calling for investigation to make sure it’s not harmful.

Samsung still maintains it stand that this is a simple mistake. The company even said few more British users might still be getting such notifications.

Source | In Chinese

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